Yoga for Stress and Diabetes

Top 5 Sitting Yoga Poses And Yoga Tips For Everyday Benefits

Why Yoga? At the mention of the word Yoga, people tend to make up a perception that, ‘Yoga is all about flexibility,’ or ‘Yoga’s purpose is to bend into positions one cannot.’ Often or not, people have similar sort of ideas about Yoga. With the recent changes around health due to COVID, people have started…

Yoga Poses Boosts The Immune System And Help You To Stay Healthy

Our lives seem to have shifted their usual course in the past two years since COVID hit in 2020. We were challenged mentally as well as physically to a breaking point. With grave losses of dear ones to health, we all have struggled mentally to keep up with the traumas around us. These are challenging…


The 5 Best Yoga Poses for Improving Your Flexibility

One of the essential factors and parameters of excellent physical health is flexibility. If you observe kids, they are extremely flexible but as we grow our flexibility reduces to a large extent. A sedentary lifestyle, stress or bad posture and movement patterns can make our body lose its flexibility. Flexibility refers to your muscles’ ability…

Methods to boost endurance

Methods to boost Endurance during Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercises.

The importance of endurance training in a well-rounded fitness program cannot be overstated. When it comes to long-distance runs, triathlons swims, or cycles, it’s common knowledge that endurance training will help you finish the race and achieve your goals. Although yoga can be slow and peaceful as it includes sequences of postures that do not…